
Signs of Peace Through Action

Week of Peace through Action Day 3–Create Peace Part 1

Here we are at day three of Peace Through Action’s Week of Peace through Action, our call to action series timed to coincide with the annual observance of Peace Day this September 21.

Today, we introduce you to our programs model, which has generalist and specialist components.

As a generalist, Peace Through Action strives to be of service to Americans who feel the compulsion to do something to respond to aggression and violence in the places where and with whom they live, learn, work, play, and pray, their communities, and our country. We accomplish this generalist mission work by disseminating messages to encourage action-taking and materials to support our calls to action.

As a specialist, Peace Through Action aims to work intensively in selected U.S. communities to build and increase capacity of their community members to implement practical peaceful solutions. To accomplish this intensity, we will assign full- or part-time national service participants to collaborating organizations steeped in their communities. (You can think of AmeriCorps or Peace Corps as the service delivery models we follow, although for the time-being we are not pursuing federal funds.)

Today we are delighted to announce one of our selected U.S. communities—Washington, District of Columbia. We will undertake our Washington DC Community Peace Project with DC Peace Team, a local peacemaking organization.

To be clear this project is in its fund development stage. After all, we need money to pay people giving full years of service. Nevertheless, it’s progress for us as an organization. And we are jazzed!

Here’s a proper announcement.


In case you missed earlier editions of our Week of Peace through Action

Day 1 – Be Peace – Action suggestions posted here
Day 2 – Share Your Peace – Action suggestions posted here

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