
Peace Explorers Program | Peace Through Action USA

Peace Explorers Webpage BannerPeace Explorers Program Summary

Peace Through Action USA’s Peace Explorers program offers learning, sharing, and decision-making opportunities for people with desire to decrease aggression and violence and increase peace in their homes, places of work, learning, and worship, and/or their neighborhoods. We deliver peace explorers brief learning events, short courses, and information sheets on aggression and violence prevention and peaceful practices subjects.

Our Peace Explorers

Peace Through Action USA welcomes any person with a desire for increased peace to become a peace explorer. They choose to participate or make use of one or more of our peace explorer resources. Our peace explorers learn about peace promotion and violence prevention subjects, share knowledge and good will with similarly motivated people, and plan personal and group action to increase peace with and where they live, learn, work, play, and pray.

Peace Explorer Opportunities

Peace Through Action USA’s peace explorers opportunities include:

Peace Explorers Program Information Sheet

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