Our Allies
Peace Through Action USA recognizes that other organizations share our vision for a nation abundant with peaceful people applying peaceful practices and creating peaceful places.
We invite organizations that wish to explore partnership or collaboration with us to contact us at programs@PeaceThroughAction.org.
Presently, Peace Through Action USA enjoys partnerships and collaborations with:
Charter for Compassion International, an organization that brings to life the principles articulated in the Charter for Compassion through concrete, practical action in a myriad of sectors. The Charter for Compassion is a cooperative effort to restore not only compassionate thinking but, more importantly, compassionate action to the center of religious, moral, and political life.
Citizen Connect, a non-partisan platform dedicated to helping Americans right, left and center find ways to heal our divides and strengthen this great nation.
#ListenFirst Coalition, a community of 500 organizations (the bridging field) bringing Americans together across differences to listen, understand each other, and discover common interests.
CompassionateUSA, a learning journey designed to teach self-compassion and community well-being that honors our common humanity & affirms the beauty of our differences. They are dedicated to the families, children, and communities who are healing from school shootings and all forms of injustice across the United States.
The Trust Network, whose vision is to prevent and mitigate violence in the pursuit of positive peace. They strive to build a national cohesion and peacebuilding infrastructure for the US, including an Early Warning, Early Action system to prevent violence.
Global Compassion Coalition, who focus on the study, education, application, and advocacy of compassion. They’re building a coalition big and strong enough to put compassion at the heart of global society.
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