We have arrived at day two of Peace Through Action’s Week of Peace through Action, our call to action series timed to coincide with the annual observance of Peace Day this September 21.
Those of you who have had an opportunity to open yesterday’s email will know that we encouraged you to “Be Peace,” that is to concentrate on learning and practicing personal behaviors that increase care for oneself and attentiveness to and action for the well-being of others. If you missed that information, check your inbox or read our post for action suggestions.
Today, we invite you to “Share Your Peace.” By this, we mean letting the people in your life—friends, colleagues, family members, neighbors—know you value peace in your own places of living, learning, and working, as well as your community, our country, and the world. And further… that you are so committed to peace that you are willing to share your peace publicly. Here are two ways you can Share Your Peace.
Connect to Peace Through Action USA’s Social Media
Share your peace by connecting to Peace Through Action USA on our social media channels. Find a handy list of our social media accounts here, or go directly to our spots on the channels on which you engage the most: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube.
You might wonder why this matters (for a while we did…). Are you aware that when you like or follow an organization’s social media, their posts can show up on your own newsfeeds? Certainly, there’s no harm in letting your people know that the cause of peace is important to you. Moreover, you are helping get our name and content in front of more people than we can on our own. There is a reason this is called social media.
We’re hoping to see an increase in our likes and “follows later this week!
Take the #PeaceDayChallenge
We are aware that it’s a “no-no” in marketing to promote other brands. Peace Through Action USA makes occasional exceptions to that rule, and here’s a good one.
Your U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) has issued a #PeaceDayChallenge to observe #PeaceDay. (I highlight “your” because USIP, while a national, nonpartisan, independent institute, receives a federal appropriation, so it’s in part your public money that fuels USIP’s robust work.)
The #PeaceDayChallenge serves to raise the profile of #PeaceDay and affirm peace as a real alternative to the violence we see every day in the news.
The primary “Share Your Peace” activity USIP has ongoing for this year’s #PeaceDayChallenge is the Peace Day Challenge Mosaic. USIP invites everyone and anyone, between now and Saturday, September 21, to show how you’re doing your part for peace. USIP asks you to take an action for peace and share a photo on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook using #PeaceDayChallenge. (Please also add Peace Through Action’s hashtag, #PeaceBeginsWithWe.)
USIP will use the photo you share to create a mosaic of all the inspiring things we are doing together to create a more peaceful country and world. We can’t wait to see the finished product! Be sure to be represented in it!
So, there you go, two “Share Your Peace” opportunities for this Week of Peace through Action. Power up your phones, snap some pics, and share away!
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