By: Peace Through Action USA
In: PeaceActUSA
Tagged: #HowWeHeal, #PeaceBeginsWithWe, #PeaceThroughAction, Becoming Beloved Community, conflict resolution, David T. Deal, dispute resolution, mediation, National Day of Racial Healing, NDORH, Peace Through Action, Peace Through Action USA, peaceful practice, peaceful practices, racial healing, racism, restorative justice processes, Robin DiAngelo, Sacred Grounds Project, white fragility
Jan 21, 2020
David T. Deal, on the subject of racial healing As a trained, certified, and practicing mediator and restorative justice facilitator, I see myriad opportunities for promoting racial healing on a case-by-case basis. Both mediation and restorative justice processes subordinate any impulse for a person, group, or institution to fully decide for a subject what needs […]
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