
Our AmeriCorps Planning Grant | Peace Through Action USA

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Peace Through Action AmeriCorps Planning Grant Summary

Peace Through Action USA received an award in 2023-2024 from AmeriCorps, the federal agency for national service and volunteerism, to plan a national service program focused on civic engagement and social cohesion. AmeriCorps made its award in February 2023 through the AmeriCorps State and National American Rescue Plan Planning Grants funding opportunity. The $76,717 award, matched with $52,428 in private funding, provided us time and resources to build an AmeriCorps program that would be excellent, compliant, enduring, and ready to compete for an operating grant in a future funding cycle.

About AmeriCorps

AmeriCorps, the federal agency for national service and volunteerism, provides opportunities for Americans to serve their country domestically, address the nation’s most pressing challenges, improve lives and communities, and strengthen civic engagement. Each year, the agency places more than 200,000 AmeriCorps members and AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers in intensive service roles; and empowers millions more to serve as long-term, short-term, or one-time volunteers. Learn more at AmeriCorps.gov.

AmeriCorps offers opportunities for individuals of all backgrounds to be a part of the national service community, grow personally and professionally, and receive benefits for their service. Learn how to get involved at AmeriCorps.gov/serve.

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