Holistic Well-Being as the Foundation for Inner Peace | December 2021
Event Description – Holistic Well-Being as the Foundation for Inner Peace was dedicated to exploring and experiencing mind-body medicine to begin cultivating inner peace. Judi Ferrara, Director of Adult and Community Education at the College of Southern Maryland, led participants through an experiential workshop where they learned the science behind the power of breath as well as experienced it firsthand.
Mind-body medicine is an evidence-based, transformational tool that supports people in their journey healing from trauma to holistic well-being. Participants learned what distinguishes mind-body medicine from other healing modalities and left the workshop with new practices they can use independently or with others.
Presenter Biography – Judi Ferrara is the Director of Adult and Community Education at the College of Southern Maryland and has held various positions for the past 22 years. Judi is responsible for leading a team of professionals in the adult education and personal enrichment program areas in the School of Continuing Education and Workforce Development within the Division of Learning.
Judi’s passion lies in wellness education and sharing her love of practicing self-care with young people and adults to enrich and transform their lives. She recently completed practical and advanced training in mind-body medicine through the Center for Mind-Body Medicine in Washington, D.C.
Judi holds a Bachelor of Science from California University of Pennsylvania and is proud to be an alumnus of the College of Southern Maryland.
Learning Resources
- Presentation-Event Introduction
- Presentation-Event Content
- Event Recording
- Event Information Sheet
- Center for Mind-Body Medicine
- CMBM featured on CBS 60 Minutes (5.16 min. video): https://vimeo.com/158549497?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0
- CMBM Founder James S. Gordon, MD TED Talk on Fulfilling Trauma’s Hidden Promise (23.21 min. video): https://www.tedmed.com/talks/show?id=622958
- Interview with CMBM Founder James Gordon on his global work: http://www.johnweeks-integrator.com/uncategorized/integrative-psychiatrist-james-gordon-on-woodstock-ayahuasca-colonialism-and-his-work-in-the-worlds-traumatic-hotspots/
- Mind-Body Skills Overview
- Mind-Body Skill: Guided Imagery
- Information Sheet-Dynamic Embodiment Peaceful Practice
- Information Sheet-HeartMath Peaceful Practice
- Mind-Body Skill: Soft Belly Breathing
- National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NIH)
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Peace Through Action Events gather youth and adults of all ages to learn about civic and social topics with a focus on peace. Using delivery methods of subject expert lecture, skills training, film discussion, artistic presentation, reflection, and experiential activities, Peace Through Action Events participants gain knowledge on compassionate living, peaceful practices, and social justice concerns.
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