
Signs of Peace Through Action

Week of Peace through Action-Day 7-Happy Peace Day!

Peace Through Action USA joins the annual observance of the International Day of Peace. The United Nations and many others across the globe have set aside this day to devote attention to “strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples.”

How worthy a goal. Indeed, it is a happy cause for extending Happy Peace Day!

It is also a moment to acknowledge that many of our sibling human beings around the world do not routinely experience these ideals of peace. There are too many hurting people, including in the United States of America, the spot on our planet where Peace Through Action concentrates. Peace Day, then, serves as a global call and a domestic call to action for increased peace.

Thank you for allowing us through this Week of Peace through Action as Peace Through Action sought to demonstrate how we are responding to this call to action for peace. We featured some of our resources to help you and your peer Americans pray for and meditate on peace and integrate “peacebuilder” into one’s personal brand through social media. We acknowledged our volunteer history and appealed for additional helpers. And, quite importantly, we announced plans for and partners with whom we will endeavor to increase peace with intensity in three U.S. communities.

In sum, Peace Through Action has a firm peacebuilding plan, with action steps—one we hope you feel is worthy of pursuit and deserving of investment.

We invite you to make a gift of money to Peace Through Action USA on the occasion of Peace Day 2019 so that you, through us, can help your peer Americans increase peace here at home. Please be as generous with your offering as your ability allows. Visit our online giving page or click here for other giving channels.

Most important, please know that it is our wish that each day be a Peace Day for you and those with whom you live, learn, work, play, and pray. Further, our hope for all of us who share one country is that peace day, each day becomes the American way.

Together, we shall make it so. After all, #PeaceBeginsWithWe.

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Give a gift of money so that we can continue to help Americans increase peace where and with whom we live, learn, work, play, and pray.

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