by Bob Reeg
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Peace Through Action USA
It’s a pleasure to communicate with you again. A (too) long span of time has passed since Peace Through Action USA last posted a blog.
As a new start organization, we have been absorbed with thousands of tedious start-up tasks, all of which are important to our effective governance, efficient operation, legal compliance, and public accountability, but none of which were terrifically interesting to report as news.
We refrained from filling our page with a plethora of “no-news news,” but recognize that our quiet may have left an impression that Peace Through Action was stumbling.
That is not at all the case! So much is it not so that we are going to “make up for lost time” this week through our Week of Peace through Action.
Why this week for our Week of Peace through Action? That would be because September 21 is the annual observance of the United Nations-declared International Day of Peace, or Peace Day. Dating back to 1981, Peace Day is a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples.
Now that’s something we can support. We also feel that a focus on peace deserves more than one day. (We are not alone in this regard; several organizations extend their Peace Day observances.) For us, we are naming our observance, Week of Peace through Action.
Over the course of this week, we will highlight the range of actions you can take, through us, to increase peace where you live, learn, work, play, and pray. Also, we have several encouraging developments to report. What better a time to announce them than on the days leading to Peace Day.
Please keep an eye on our website and social media this Week of Peace through Action.
Please sign up for our e-news.
Please make a gift of money here so that we can continue to help you achieve peace, through action.
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