
Peaceful Leaders Youth Program | Peace Through Action USA

Announcing Peaceful Leaders Summer Experience 2024!

Peaceful Leaders Summer Experience 2024 – “Summer of Service”  

Registration is now open! Register Here

Brief Description: The Calvert Peace Project’s Peaceful Leaders “Summer of Service” Experience is designed to energize middle and high-school aged youth to build a more peaceful and connected community and country. Designed for youth ages 12-18, this program will guide participants through a structured series of civic engagements, volunteer opportunities, and servant leadership activities held in collaboration with various local organizations and foundations. Students will interact with and learn from local peacebuilders and participate in a variety of community service initiatives that will strengthen cultural, social, and communal connections in Calvert County. Each of the 5 days will be held in a new location in Calvert County, and students/families are responsible for arranging transportation. Participation includes access to servant leadership opportunities, leadership training workshops, and lunch/snacks each day. Details about locations and exact activities as well as leadership topics are forthcoming and will be included in future communications and updated here on the webpage. To reserve your young person’s spot in this dynamic week-long program, please register HERE.

If you have any questions about the program or would like to support the experience as a chaperone or adult volunteer send an e-mail to calvert@peacethroughaction.org or visit our FAQs below.

Location: Various Locations throughout Calvert County

Age: 12 – 18 years old

Day: Monday – Friday

Time: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

Date: July 15 – 19, 2024


To get updates on locations and if you are interested in chaperoning during the week, please sign up for our email list here

Peaceful Leaders Youth Program Resources

Peaceful Leaders Summer Experience FAQs

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