
Problem-Solving Courts | Peace Through Action USA

What are Problem-Solving Courts?

Problem-solving courts differ from traditional courts in that they focus on one type of offense or type of person committing the crime. In a problem-solving court, an interdisciplinary team, led by a judge (or parole authority), works collaboratively to achieve two goals: case management to expedite case processing and reduce caseload and time to disposition, thus increasing trial capacity for more serious crimes; and therapeutic jurisprudence to reduce criminal offending through therapeutic and interdisciplinary approaches that address underlying issues without jeopardizing public safety and due process. Examples of problem-solving courts include drug courts, mental health courts, domestic violence courts, reentry courts, veterans treatment courts, and youth courts. Read more at https://www.ncsc.org/consulting-and-research/areas-of-expertise/behavioral-health/problem-solving-courts, and https://ndcrc.org/.

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